The traditional stage arts have a special and unique role in the culture of Bali. The arts such as dance and theatre do not simply serve as entertainment. Some of them become a complementary component of religious rituals or even positioned as the ritual itself. The diversity of this function makes the art of Bali is so rich with diversity and variation. One existed in reality can be seen in the diversity that exists within the Bali mask craft.
Balinese mask made from wood. The type of wood that is typically used as a mask-making, among others, kenanga and pule. In the process, there are several steps that must be traversed until the sculpture eventually becomes the mask. In addition, the presence of existing in a particular depiction of character traits makes the mask they must have special skills.
The mask became the primary device in the mask dance, Bali traditional dramatari arts. In the mask dance, each pementas or dancers perform with special clothing and wearing a mask. The mask worn by a dancer shows the character diperakannya in a show. The story that was presented in the mask dance usually comes from a history of history (Chronicle) or the stories of legends.
Based on the social strata of the play is shown, the mask can be classified into several types. Types of masks include masks loud (the figure of the fighter), mask (figure of the elders), the mask bondres (commoner), and a mask of Queen (nobility).
In addition to these general types, there is also a special type of masks, like a mask, the mask Calonarang jauk and telek mask. Calonarang mask shows a bad figure, fanged, and membelalak eyes which become symbolizing evil. Jauk-shaped mask the transition between the humans and the giant Prince, represent beings that help a Barong in the face of rangda. Such is the case, telek jauk was an ally of the Barong, but in the form of a figure with a smooth face and figure.
Currently, the Balinese masks is made not just as an important device in the mask dance performance. Balinese mask has been sold freely to the tourists who visit for gifts
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